## PART 0 - SCRIPT INFORMATION SECTION ----------------------------------------
#' Script to correct the file name time stamp (and file type) of corrupt files
#' This script was written to correct five minute long mseed file snippets that
#' were recorded by a 6-channel Centaur data logger. The file snippets were
#' copied from the Centaur by a ssh command, which was triggered by a crontab
#' on a Raspberry Pi every 5 minutes. The job resulted in about one second time
#' delay and sometimes too short msseed files. In addition, not every 5 minute
#' snippet was actually recorded due to severe weather and data telemetry
#' constraints at the deployment site. Finally, the time stamp of the mseed
#' files does not correspond to the data they contain but the time the file
#' was created. Therefore it became necessary to fix the corrupted files.
#' This script reads all available mseed files via ObsPy, splits the six
#' channels into separate signal vectors, parses the time stamps and station
#' IDs for each signal vector, creates correct eseis objects, and saves the
#' data as sac files in an appropriate directory structure.
#' The script was written as a patch solver. It should be used with care and
#' the scientist should be aware of the consequences of the data manipulation.
#' Author: Michael Dietze, Section 4.6 GFZ Potsdam (mdietze@gfz-potsdam.de)
#' Script version: 0.1.0, 05 Spetember 2019
#' Changes to previous versions
#' - not applicable
#' Requirements & dependencies:
#' - R 3.4.4
#' - eseis 0.5.0
#' - reticulate 1.13
#' - ObsPy
## PART 1 - DEFINITION OF OBJECTS AND IMPORT OF DATA --------------------------
## load package
## make ObsPy available
o <- reticulate::import("obspy")
## load station info file
stations <- read.table(file = paste0("data/stations/station_info_01.txt"),
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## set mseed directory
dir_mseed = paste0("data/seismic/centaur/service_01/")
## set output directory
dir_output <- "data/seismic/sac_redate/"
## list available mseed files
files_mseed <- list.files(path = dir_mseed,
recursive = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE,
pattern = ".mseed")
## PART 2 - PROCESSING OF ALL FILES IN A LOOP ---------------------------------
for(i in 1:length(files_mseed)) {
## read and prepare files
s <- try(eseis::aux_obspyeseis(o$read(files_mseed[i])))
s <- try(s[order(names(s))])
## process channel-wise
try(for(j in 1:length(s)) {
## assign channel to work with
s_j <- s[[j]]
## extract start time
s_start <- try(s_j$meta$starttime)
## assign station ID
ID_out <- try(stations$ID[match(x = names(s)[j],
table = stations$Centaur_chn)])
## create output file name
name_out <- try(paste0(dir_output,
format(x = s_start, format = "%Y/%j/"),
format(x = s_start, format = "%y.%j.%H.%M.%S"),
## check/create directory year
try(if(dir.exists(paths = paste0(dir_output,
format(x = s_start,
format = "%Y"))) == FALSE) {
format(x = s_start, format = "%Y")))
## check/create directory JD
try(if(dir.exists(paths = paste0(dir_output,
format(x = s_start,
format = "%Y/%j"))) == FALSE) {
format(x = s_start, format = "%Y/%j")))
## assign meta data
s_j$signal <- as.numeric(s_j$signal)
s_j$meta$sensor <- "PE6B"
s_j$meta$logger <- "Centaur"
s_j$meta$gain <- 40
s_j$meta$station <- ID_out
s_j$meta$latitude <- 50
s_j$meta$longitude <- 13
s_j$meta$elevation <- 1000
s_j$meta$depth <- 0
## write output SAC file
write_sac(data = s_j,
file = name_out,
unit = 1)
## print progress
print(paste(i, "of", length(files_mseed)))